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Quick-fire answers

What makes AhaPlay different from traditional training platforms?

AhaPlay focuses on transforming team training, not just individual learning. We turn traditional training into interactive, AI-driven group workshops, fostering collaboration, alignment, and real-world behavioral change. Plus, with our personalized AI consultants, teams continue receiving guidance and support even after the workshops, ensuring ongoing improvement in daily work.

Is AhaPlay intended to be used for more than just training?

Absolutely! AhaPlay goes beyond training—it’s also a powerful tool for strategic communication. Whether it’s CEO talks, clarifying company values and vision, or aligning your entire workforce with new strategies, AhaPlay ensures that your message is delivered in an engaging, interactive way. By leveraging our conversational workshops, teams can deeply understand and align with the company's goals, fostering a shared purpose across the organization.

Can AhaPlay integrate with our existing training content?

Yes! AhaPlay can convert any individual or facilitated group training into interactive, non-facilitated group training. Our platform takes your existing content and transforms it into conversational workshops that drive team alignment and behavioral change, ensuring that training is scalable across your entire organization.

What kind of certifications does AhaPlay offer?

AhaPlay provides a unique team certification that recognizes not just individual completion, but team-level awareness, alignment, and mastery of the subject matter. These certifications demonstrate that your teams are fully equipped to collaborate and lead effectively, giving your organization a competitive advantage in showcasing its capability.

How does the AI consultant work during and after the workshops?

During the workshops, the AI observes team dynamics, communication patterns, and decision-making to offer real-time feedback and insights. Afterward, your teams can continue using their personalized AI consultant in everyday tasks and meetings. The AI can be invited into meetings to offer suggestions, reminders, and tips to help teams apply what they’ve learned, ensuring consistent improvement.